Wednesday, 2 May 2018

Environmental Reports

Environmental Reports

So what does the scorecard look like for aviation based entities? Peruse the following environmental reports for Boeing and Airbus to gain insight into the achievements and priorities for the two leading aircraft manufacturers.

Tuesday, 1 May 2018

PPL (A) Approach and Landing- LESSON 5

Approach and Landing
A normal approach and landing involves the use of procedures
for what is considered a normal situation; that is, when engine
power is available, the wind is light, or the final approach is
made directly into the wind, the final approach path has no
obstacles and the landing surface is firm and of ample length
to gradually bring the airplane to a stop. The selected landing
point is normally beyond the runway’s approach threshold
but within the first 1/3 portion of the runway.
The factors involved and the procedures described for the
normal approach and landing also have applications to the
other-than-normal approaches and landings and are discussed
later in this chapter. This being the case, the principles of
normal operations are explained first and must be understood
before proceeding to the more complex operations. To help
the pilot better understand the factors that influence judgment
and procedures, the last part of the approach pattern and the
actual landing is divided into five phases:
Base Leg
The placement of the base leg is one of the more important
judgments made by the pilot in any landing approach.
The pilot must accurately judge the altitude
and distance from which a gradual, stabilized descent results
in landing at the desired spot. The distance depends on the
altitude of the base leg, the effect of wind, and the amount
of wing flaps used. When there is a strong wind on final
approach or the flaps are used to produce a steep angle
of descent, the base leg must be positioned closer to the
approach end of the runway than would be required with a
light wind or no flaps. Normally, the landing gear is extended
and the before-landing check completed prior to reaching
the base leg.
 Final Approach
After the base-to-final approach turn is completed, the
longitudinal axis of the airplane is aligned with the centerline
of the runway or landing surface so that drift (if any) is
recognized immediately. On a normal approach, with no
wind drift, the longitudinal axis is kept aligned with the
runway centerline throughout the approach and landing. (The
proper way to correct for a crosswind is explained under the
section, Crosswind Approach and Landing. For now, only
an approach and landing where the wind is straight down the
runway are discussed.)
A stabilized descent angle is controlled throughout the
approach so that the airplane lands in the center of the first
third of the runway. The descent angle is affected by all four
fundamental forces that act on an airplane (lift, drag, thrust,
and weight). If all the forces are constant, the descent angle
is constant in a no-wind condition. The pilot controls these
forces by adjusting the airspeed, attitude, power, and drag
(flaps or forward slip). The wind also plays a prominent part
in the gliding distance over the ground; the
pilot does not have control over the wind but corrects for
its effect on the airplane’s descent by appropriate pitch and
power adjustments.

 Round Out (Flare)
The round out is a slow, smooth transition from a normal
approach attitude to a landing attitude, gradually rounding
out the flightpath to one that is parallel with, and within a
very few inches above, the runway. When the airplane, in a
normal descent, approaches within what appears to be 10 to
20 feet above the ground, the round out or flare is started.
This is a continuous process until the airplane touches down
on the ground.
As the airplane reaches a height above the ground where a
change into the proper landing attitude can be made, back-
elevator pressure is gradually applied to slowly increase the
pitch attitude and angle of attack (AOA).
This causes the airplane’s nose to gradually rise toward the desired
landing attitude. The AOA is increased at a rate that allows the
airplane to continue settling slowly as forward speed decreases.
When the AOA is increased, the lift is momentarily increased
and this decreases the rate of descent. Since power normally
is reduced to idle during the round out, the airspeed also
gradually decreases. This causes lift to decrease again and
necessitates raising the nose and further increasing the AOA.
During the round out, the airspeed is decreased to touchdown
speed while the lift is controlled so the airplane settles gently
onto the landing surface. The round out is executed at a rate
that the proper landing attitude and the proper touchdown
airspeed are attained simultaneously just as the wheels
contact the landing surface.
The touchdown is the gentle settling of the airplane onto the
landing surface. The round out and touchdown are normally
made with the engine idling and the airplane at minimum
controllable airspeed so that the airplane touches down on
the main gear at approximately stalling speed. As the airplane
settles, the proper landing attitude is attained by application
of whatever back-elevator pressure is necessary.
 Some pilots try to force or fly the airplane onto the ground
without establishing the proper landing attitude. The airplane
should never be flown on the runway with excessive speed.
A common technique to making a smooth touchdown is to
actually focus on holding the wheels of the aircraft a few
inches off the ground as long as possible using the elevators
while the power is smoothly reduced to idle. In most cases,
when the wheels are within 2 or 3 feet off the ground, the
airplane is still settling too fast for a gentle touchdown;
therefore, this descent must be retarded by increasing back-
elevator pressure. Since the airplane is already close to
its stalling speed and is settling, this added back-elevator
pressure only slows the settling instead of stopping it. At
the same time, it results in the airplane touching the ground
in the proper landing attitude and the main wheels touching
down first so that little or no weight is on the nose wheel. 
After-Landing Roll
The landing process must never be considered complete until
the airplane decelerates to the normal taxi speed during the
landing roll or has been brought to a complete stop when clear
of the landing area. Numerous accidents occur as a result
of pilots abandoning their vigilance and failing to maintain
positive control after getting the airplane on the ground.
 A pilot must be alert for directional control difficulties
immediately upon and after touchdown due to the ground
friction on the wheels. Loss of directional control may lead
to an aggravated, uncontrolled, tight turn on the ground, or
a ground loop. The combination of centrifugal force acting
on the center of gravity (CG) and ground friction of the
main wheels resisting it during the ground loop may cause
the airplane to tip or lean enough for the outside wingtip to
contact the ground. This imposes a sideward force that could
collapse the landing gear.
 The rudder serves the same purpose on the ground as it
does in the air—it controls the yawing of the airplane. The
effectiveness of the rudder is dependent on the airflow, which
depends on the speed of the airplane. As the speed decreases
and the nose wheel has been lowered to the ground, the
steerable nose provides more positive directional control.
 The brakes of an airplane serve the same primary purpose as
the brakes of an automobile—to reduce speed on the ground.
In airplanes, they are also used as an aid in directional control
when more positive control is required than could be obtained
with rudder or nose wheel steering alone.

PPL (A) Rectangular Course- LESSON 4

Rectangular Course
A principle ground reference maneuver is the rectangular
course. The rectangular course is a training
maneuver in which the airplane maintains an equal distance
from all sides of the selected rectangular references. The
maneuver is accomplished to replicate the airport traffic
pattern that an airplane typically maneuvers while landing.
While performing the rectangular course maneuver, the pilot
should maintain a constant altitude, airspeed, and distance
from the ground references. The maneuver assists the pilot
in practicing the following:
•Maintaining a specific relationship between the
airplane and the ground.
•Dividing attention between the flightpath, ground-
based references, manipulating the flight controls,
and scanning for outside hazards and instrument
•Adjusting the bank angle during turns to correct for
groundspeed changes in order to maintain constant
radius turns.
•Rolling out from a turn with the required wind
correction angle to compensate for any drift cause by
the wind.
•Establishing and correcting the wind correction angle
in order to maintain the track over the ground.
•Preparing the pilot for the airport traffic pattern and
subsequent landing pattern practice.

First, a square, rectangular field, or an area with suitable
ground references on all four sides, as previously mentioned
should be selected consistent with safe practices. The
airplane should be flown parallel to and at an equal distance
between one-half to three-fourths of a mile away from
the field boundaries or selected ground references. The
flightpath should be positioned outside the field boundaries
or selected ground references so that the references may be
easily observed from either pilot seat. It is not practicable
to fly directly above the field boundaries or selected
ground references. The pilot should avoid flying close to
the references, as this will require the pilot to turn using
very steep bank angles, thereby increasing aerodynamic
load factor and the airplane’s stall speed, especially in the
downwind to crosswind turn.
The entry into the maneuver should be accomplished
downwind. This places the wind on the tail of the airplane
and results in an increased groundspeed. There should be no
wind correction angle if the wind is directly on the tail of
the airplane; however, a real-world situation results in some
drift correction. The turn from the downwind leg onto the
base leg is entered with a relatively steep bank angle. The
pilot should roll the airplane into a steep bank with rapid, but
not excessive, coordinated aileron and rudder pressures. As
the airplane turns onto the following base leg, the tailwind
lessens and becomes a crosswind; the bank angle is reduced
gradually with coordinated aileron and rudder pressures. The
pilot should be prepared for the lateral drift and compensate
by turning more than 90° angling toward the inside of the
rectangular course.
The next leg is where the airplane turns from a base leg
position to the upwind leg. Ideally, the wind is directly on
the nose of the airplane resulting in a direct headwind and
decreased groundspeed; however, a real-world situation
results in some drift correction. The pilot should roll the
airplane into a medium banked turn with coordinated aileron
and rudder pressures. As the airplane turns onto the upwind
leg, the crosswind lessens and becomes a headwind, and the
bank angle is gradually reduced with coordinated aileron and
rudder pressures. Because the pilot was angled into the wind
on the base leg, the turn to the upwind leg is less than 90°.
The next leg is where the airplane turns from an upwind leg
position to the crosswind leg. The pilot should slowly roll
the airplane into a shallow-banked turn, as the developing
crosswind drifts the airplane into the inside of the rectangular
course with coordinated aileron and rudder pressures. As the
airplane turns onto the crosswind leg, the headwind lessens
and becomes a crosswind. As the turn nears completion, the
bank angle is reduced with coordinated aileron and rudder
pressures. To compensate for the crosswind, the pilot must
angle into the wind, toward the outside of the rectangular
course, which requires the turn to be less than 90°.
The final turn is back to the downwind leg, which requires
a medium-banked angle and a turn greater than 90°. The
groundspeed will be increasing as the turn progresses and
the bank should be held and then rolled out in a rapid, but
not excessive, manner using coordinated aileron and rudder

PPL (A) Climbs and Descents- LESSON 3

Climbs and Climbing Turns
When an airplane enters a climb, it changes its flightpath from
level flight to a climb attitude. In a climb, weight no longer
acts in a direction solely perpendicular to the flightpath. When
an airplane enters a climb, excess lift must be developed to
overcome the weight or gravity. This requirement to develop
more lift results in more induced drag, which either results
in decreased airspeed and/or an increased power setting to
maintain a minimum airspeed in the climb. An airplane can
only sustain a climb when there is sufficient thrust to offset
increased drag; therefore, climb rate is limited by the excess
thrust available.
The pilot should know the engine power settings, natural
horizon pitch attitudes, and flight instrument indications that
produce the following types of climb:
-Normal climb: performed at an airspeed recommended by
the airplane manufacturer. Normal climb speed is generally
higher than the airplane’s best rate of climb. The additional
airspeed provides for better engine cooling, greater control
authority, and better visibility over the nose of the airplane.
Normal climb is sometimes referred to as cruise climb.

Best rate of climb (VY):produces the most altitude gained
over a given amount of time. This airspeed is typically used
when initially departing a runway without obstructions until it
is safe to transition to a normal or cruise climb configuration.
Best angle of climb (VX):performed at an airspeed that
produces the most altitude gain over a given horizontal
distance. The best angle of climb results in a steeper climb,
although the airplane takes more time to reach the same
altitude than it would at best rate of climb airspeed. The best
angle of climb is used to clear obstacles, such as a strand of
trees, after takeoff. 
It should be noted that as altitude increases, the airspeed
for best angle of climb increases and the airspeed for best
rate of climb decreases

As the airspeed decreases during the climb’s establishment,
the airplane’s pitch attitude tends to lower unless the pilot
increases the elevator flight control pressure. Nose-up elevator
trim should be used so that the pitch attitude can be maintained
without the pilot holding back elevator pressure. Throughout
the climb, since the power should be fixed at the climb power
setting, airspeed is controlled by the use of elevator pressure.
The pitch attitude to the natural horizon determines if the
pitch attitude is correct and should be cross-checked to the
flight instruments to verify climb performance. 
Descents and Descending Turns
When an airplane enters a descent, it changes its flightpath
from level flight to a descent attitude.
In a descent, weight no longer acts solely perpendicular to the
flightpath. Since induced drag is decreased as lift is reduced in
order to descend, excess thrust will provide higher airspeeds.
The weight/gravity force is about the same. This causes an
increase in total thrust and a power reduction is required to
balance the forces if airspeed is to be maintained.
The pilot should know the engine power settings, natural
horizon pitch attitudes, and flight instrument indications that
produce the following types of descents:
Partial power descent: the normal method of losing altitude
is to descend with partial power. This is often termed
cruise or en route descent. The airspeed and power setting
recommended by the AFM/POH for prolonged descent
should be used. The target descent rate should be 500 fpm.
The desired airspeed, pitch attitude, and power combination
should be preselected and kept constant.
Descent at minimum safe airspeed: a nose-high, power-
assisted descent condition principally used for clearing
obstacles during a landing approach to a short runway.
Some characteristics of the minimum safe airspeed descent are a
steeper-than-normal descent angle, and the excessive power
that may be required to produce acceleration at low airspeed
should “mushing” and/or an excessive rate of descent be
allowed to develop.
Emergency descent: some airplanes have a specific
procedure for rapidly losing altitude. The AFM/POH specifies
the procedure. In general, emergency descent procedures are
high drag, high airspeed procedures requiring a specific
airplane configuration (such as power to idle, propellers
forward, landing gear extended, and flaps retracted) and a
specific emergency descent airspeed. Emergency descent
maneuvers often include turns.

PPL (A) Basic Flight Maneuvers- LESSON 2

Integrated Flight Instruction
As the beginner pilot develops a competent skill in visual
reference flying, the flight instructor should further develop
the beginner pilot’s effectiveness through the use of
integrated flight instruction; however, it is important that the
beginner pilot’s visual skills be sufficiently developed for
long-term, safe, and effective aircraft control.
The basic elements of integrated flight instruction are as
•The pilot visually controls the airplane’s
attitude inreference outside to the natural horizon. At least 90
percent of the pilot’s attention should be devoted to
outside visual references and scanning for airborne
traffic. The process of visually evaluating pitch and
bank attitude is nearly an imperceptible continuous
stream of attitude information. If the attitude is found
to be other than desired, the pilot should make precise,
smooth, and accurate flight control corrections to
return the airplane to the desired attitude. Continuous
visual checks of the outside references and immediate
corrections made by the pilot minimize the chance
for the airplane to deviate from the desired heading,
altitude, and flightpath.
•The airplane’s attitude is validated by referring to
flight instruments and confirming performance. If
the flight instruments display that the airplane’s
performance is in need of correction, the required
correction must be determined and then precisely,
smoothly, and accurately applied with reference
to the natural horizon. The airplane’s attitude and
performance are then rechecked by referring to flight
instruments. The pilot then maintains the corrected
attitude by reference to the natural horizon.
•The pilot should monitor the airplane’s performance
by making quick snap-shots of the flight instruments.
No more than 10 percent of the pilot’s attention should
be inside the cockpit. The pilot must develop the skill
to quickly focus on the appropriate flight instruments
and then immediately return to the visual outside
references to control the airplane’s attitude
The pilot should become familiar with the relationship
between outside visual references to the natural horizon and
the corresponding flight instrument indications. For example,
a pitch attitude adjustment may require a movement of the
pilot’s reference point of several inches in relation to the
natural horizon but correspond to a seemingly insignificant
movement of the reference bar on the airplane’s attitude
Straight-and-Level Flight
Straight-and-level flight is flight in which heading and altitude
are constantly maintained. The four fundamentals are in
essence a derivation of straight-and-level flight. As such, the
need to form proper and effective skills in flying straight and
level should not be understated. Precise mastery of straight-
and-level flight is the result of repetition and effective practice.
Perfection in straight-and-level flight comes only as a result of
the pilot understanding the effect and use of the flight controls,
properly using the visual outside references, and the utilization
of snap-shots from the flight instruments in a continuous loop
of information gathering. A pilot must make effective, timely,
and proportional corrections for deviations in the airplane’s
direction and altitude from unintentional slight turns, descents,
and climbs to master straight-and-level flight.
 Straight-and-level flight is a matter of consciously fixing the
relationship of a reference point on the airplane in relation
to the natural horizon.
The establishment of
reference points should be initiated on the ground as the
reference points depends on the pilot’s seating position,
height, and manner of sitting. It is important that the pilot sit
in a normal manner with the seat position adjusted, which
allows for the pilot to see adequately over the instrument
panel while being able to fully depress the rudder pedals to
their maximum forward position without straining or reaching. 
 Straight Flight
Maintaining a constant direction or heading is accomplished
by visually checking the lateral level relationship of the
airplane’s wingtips to the natural horizon. Depending on
whether the airplane is a high wing or low wing, both wingtips
should be level and equally above or below the natural horizon.
Any necessary bank corrections are made with the pilot’s
coordinated use of ailerons and rudder.
The pilot should understand that anytime the wings are banked,
the airplane turns. The objective of straight flight is to detect
small deviations as soon as they occur, thereby necessitating
only minor flight control corrections. The bank attitude
information can also be obtained from a quick scan of the
attitude indicator (which shows the position of the airplane’s
wings relative to the horizon) and the heading indicator (which
indicates whether flight control pressure is necessary to change
the bank attitude to return to straight flight). 

PPL (A) Basic Flight Maneuvers- LESSON 1

The Four Fundamentals
To master any subject, one must first master the fundamentals.
An attempt to move on to advanced maneuvers prior to
mastering the four fundamentals hinders the learning process.
To be a competent pilot first requires that the pilot is skilled in
the basics of fundamental airmanship. This requires mastery of
the four basic flight maneuvers upon which all flying tasks are
straight-and-level flight,
climbs, and
Consider the following: a takeoff is a combination of straight-
and-level and a climb, turning on course to the first navigation
fix after departure is a climb and a turn, and the landing at
the destination is a combination of airplane ground handling,
acceleration, pitch and a climb. 
Effect and Use of the Flight Controls
The airplane flies in an environment that allows it to travel
up and down as well as left and right. That up or down can
be relative to the flight conditions. If the airplane is right
side up relative to the horizon, forward control stick or wheel
(elevator control) movement will result in a loss of altitude.
If the same airplane is upside down relative to the horizon
that same forward control movement will result in a gain
of altitude. In any regard, that forward movement of the
elevator control will always move the airplane in the same
direction relative to the pilot’s perspective. Therefore, the
airplane controls always function the same relative to the
pilot. Depending on the airplane’s orientation to the Earth,
the same control actions may result in different movements
of the airplane.

With the pilot’s hand:
•When pulling
the elevator pitch control toward the
pilot, which is an aft movement of the aileron and
elevator controls, control stick, or side stick controller
(referred to as adding back pressure), the airplane’s
nose will rotate backwards relative to the pilot around
the pitch (lateral) axis of the airplane. Think of this
movement from the pilot’s feet to the pilot’s head

•When pushing the elevator pitch control toward the
instrument panel, which is the forward movement of the
aileron and elevator controls, control stick, or side stick
controller (referred to as increasing forward pressure),
the airplane rotates the nose forward relative to the
pilot around the pitch axis of the airplane. Think of this
movement from the pilot’s head to the pilot’s feet.
•When right pressure is applied to the aileron control,
which is a clockwise rotation of aileron and elevator
controls or the right deflection of the control stick or
side stick controller, the airplane’s right wing banks
(rolls) lower in relation to the pilot. Think of this
movement from the pilot’s head to the pilot’s right hip.
•When left pressure is applied to the aileron control,
which is a counterclockwise rotation of aileron and
elevator controls or the left deflection of the control
stick or side stick controller, the airplane’s left wing
banks (rolls) lower in relation to the pilot. Think of this
movement from the pilot’s head to the pilot’s left hip.
With the pilot’s feet:
•Whenforward pressure is applied to the right rudder
pedal, the airplane’s nose moves (yaws) to the right
in relation to the pilot. Think of this movement from
the pilot’s left shoulder to the pilot’s right shoulder.
•When forward pressure is applied to the left rudder
pedal, the airplane’s nose moves (yaws) to the left in
relation to the pilot. Think of this movement from the
pilot’s right shoulder to the pilot’s left shoulder.
While in flight, the flight controls have a resistance to a pilot’s
movement due to the airflow over the airplane’s control
surfaces, and the control surfaces remain in a fixed position
as long as all forces acting upon them remain balanced. The
amount of force that the passing airflow exerts on a control
surface is governed by the airspeed and the degree that
the surface is moved out of its streamlined position. This
resistance increases as airspeed increases and decreases as
airspeed decreases. While the airflow over the control surfaces
changes during various flight maneuvers, it is not the amount
of control surface movement that is important. What is
important, is that the pilot maneuvers the airplane by applying
sufficient flight control pressures to obtain the desired result.
The pitch and roll flight controls (aileron and elevator
controls, stick, or side-stick control) should be held lightly
with the fingers and not grabbed or squeezed by the hand.
When flight control pressure is applied to change a control
surface position, pressure should only be exerted on the
aileron and elevator controls with the fingers. This is an
important concept and habit to learn which benefits the pilot
as they progress to greater challenges such as instrument
flying. A common error with beginning pilots is that they
grab the aileron and elevator controls with a closed palm
with such force that the sensitive feeling is lost. This must
be avoided as it prevents the development of “feel,” which
is an important aspect of airplane control.
The pilot’s feet should rest comfortably against the rudder
pedals. Both heels should support the weight of the feet
on the cockpit floor with the ball of each foot touching the
individual rudder pedals. The legs and feet should be relaxed.
When using the rudder pedals, pressure should be applied
smoothly and evenly by pressing with the ball of one foot.
Since the rudder pedals are interconnected through springs
or a direct mechanical linkage and act in opposite directions,
when pressure is applied to one rudder pedal, foot pressure
on the opposite rudder pedal must be relaxed proportionately.
Remember, the ball of each foot must rest comfortably on the
rudder pedals so that even slight pressure changes can be felt.